FAB Meeting Wednesday – July 12, 2017 Minutes
Members Present were: Mary Larson, Steve Bell, Mike Olson, Doug Dahlberg, Jon Vetter, Lori Kush, Jeff Waldvogel, and Greg Rutten.
Gaming Report – Doug gave the report. For June, the gross receipts were $44,901.00. Prizes paid were $35,432.00.The net receipts were $9,469.00. The taxes were $1,762.98. The net profit was $868.22. June 30th is the end of the fiscal year.Doug made the motion to approve the gaming report for June and July expenses not to exceed $12,000 with Jeff seconding the motion.Motion passed.
Secretaries Report – Doug made the motion to accept the minutes with Lori Kush seconding the motion.Motion passed.
Treasurers Report – tabled
Old Business - Golf Outing – We will have roasted pig for our meal.We will have brats for the tournament and not hot dogs.Wiczeks will donate a rug for a prize.
Trailer News – Did have in the Dam Festival parade.
Pheasant Hunt – Mike Olson gave the report that it will be on Saturday Sept 9th at the Le Blanc Game Farm.Will from the Ballroom will provide the meal.The hunt will be from 9:30 – 11:30 and the limit will be 15 birds.There will be a limit of 10 teams with 5 on a team.Mike made a motion that we will be spending up to $500 for prizes.Steve seconded the motion.Motion passed.
The baseball and track pictures still need to be taken.
New Business – Who’s Who advertisement was discussed.
The storage of Pull Tabs Games needs to be taken care of.Doug explained that we need to get rid of the ones that have been there the longest.
Jeff made the motion to adjourn.Lori Kush seconded the motion.Motion passed.
The next meeting will be Wednesday July 19th at at the .